Tennessee Volunteers by 4
Tennessee Volunteers, ranked 4th nationwide, and touted with an impressive regular season record of 24 wins and just 5 losses. Courtesy of what you might ask? Well, that's thanks to the one-two punch performances of Zakai Zeigler and Chaz Lanier, notably Zeigler with a striking average of almost 18 points per game last month alone. Lanier is not too far behind, sporting a hefty 17.7 points on average in recent games.
The Ole Miss Rebels, on the other hand, are hunting and pecking for crumbs with AP ranks noticing them as much as a vulture spots a salad. They've got a decent season record but have seen better days with 20 wins and 9 defeats to drown their sorrows in. Rebels' members Sean Pedulla and Malik Dia have been doing the heavy lifting, Pedulla jabbing with an average of 14.8 points and Dia following with an average of 12.4 points last month.
Take a look at the rearview mirror folks, and you'll see Tennessee left the Rebels in the dust in their past matchups. But let's not jog out of the narrative with brisk walks, Ole Miss recently won versus the Oklahoma Sooners, making sure they still have some fight left in them.
But, if you're asking me, history has an obnoxious way of repeating itself. And with Tennessee currently hitting a stride that would make a gazelle look like it's participating in a three-legged race, it's hard to see anything other than Volunteers' victory.
Albert’s Prediction: Tennessee Volunteers by 4