What a tantalizing matchup we seem to have between Hailey Baptiste, the unseeded firecracker, and Danielle Collins, the 14th seed. Let's slice and dice this gig, shall we?
Call it the Sunrise State showdown because both these lasses hail from Florida. Eloquently, Baptiste is arriving on a hot streak, recently decimating Osuigwe, Jeanjean, and Shibahara like a relentless hurricane eviscerating sub-par beach houses. However, let's swivel back to the shadowy past that is February when she took a dip, losing to both Masarova and Sonobe. A tale of inconsistency — we love to see it.
On the flip side of this coin, Collins hasn't quite had her ducks in a row recently. You'd think Keys, Jabeur, and Gadecki were playing a cruel game of pong with her, and unfortunately, she was the ball. But hold your horses, this seasoned veteran did manage to topple Aiava and Snigur on her way here, showing she still has the chops to take the fight to her opponents.
Despite all odds, though, seeding isn't merely a decoration. The 14th seed is no accident, which tells us Collins' game has the consistency of a metronome. In contrast, Baptiste hasn't secured her place in the seeding ranks yet, which kinda doesn't inspire the confidence of a horse with a rocket.
So, while we enjoy the ambivalent spectacle of tennis, let us not forget that Collins is favored here, and might I say, deservedly so? Baptiste might be the equivalent of a feisty terrier, but Collins' seasoned experience holds the weight of a Saint Bernard.
Albert’s Prediction: Collins in straight sets