Well isn't this a hair-shaper of a contest? A titanic tussle between the hallowed halls of tennis prowess that are Lulu Sun and Qinwen Zheng. Let's break it down.
Sun conjured a bout of moderate win-streak brilliance recently topping both Nosková and Šrámková. However, her inconsistency is as unpredictable as a yo-yo in a tumble dryer, suffering defeat three times in a row prior to her victories.
On the other side of the court, we have Zheng, the 8th seed and a favorite in this matchup. Zheng certainly knows her way around a racket, demonstrated by her recent win over Azarenka. But let's not forget, the sport of tennis is as forgiving as a landlord on rent day and losses to Stearns, Jabeur, and Siegemund remind us that Zheng isn't exactly bulletproof.
In their last face-off, Sun outshone Zheng in a tantalizing 2 to 1 set victory. However, things have changed since then and Zheng's higher performance level may well serve as the catalyst for a reversal of fortunes.
Anticipating the pendulum swing, it's probably safe to say, based on the ideal combination of Zheng's seeding, current love-to-win payout, and a burning desire for tennis redemption, that she'll pull through this tête-à-tête. But knowing the unpredictable nature of this befuddling game, we might see it taking all three sets.
Albert’s Prediction: Zheng in 3 sets.