BREAKING DOWN THE MATCHUP: Let's begin with the Bruins. They've been serving up some high-quality hoops this season, with a shiny 29 and 2 record that you can't dismiss. The player of the hour undoubtedly has to be Lauren Betts, throwing up nearly 20 points per game and grabbing almost 10 rebounds. That's solid work from Ms. Betts. Not to be outdone, Kiki Rice has also been dealing with an iron hand, contributing with more than 12 points and 5 assists per game. She dishes out like a generous aunt at Thanksgiving - sharing is caring, right folks?
Switching gears to the Trojans, a team with a brawny 28 and 2 record. Their top performer Juju Watkins is lighting it up like a Vegas marquee with an impressive 25 points per game average. Not to forget about Kiki Iriafen, scoring and rebounding like she's got something to prove.
Looking back at previous get-togethers between these two, it appears the Trojans might just have the Bruins' number, what with bagging the last four encounters. As we say in the biz, ball don't lie and neither does that track record of whoop-up.
Now, not to pour rain on the Bruins' parade, but their recent performance against the Trojans left something to be desired. The Trojans, on the other hand, have been pushing through their opposition like a bulldozer through aluminum foil, fending off top teams like the Michigan Wolverines and Indiana Hoosiers in their most recent games.
Both teams ride high in the Big Ten with UCLA in the 4th Spot while USC graces the number 2 spot. All this to say, we've got a barn burner on our hands folks.
So, drumroll please as I pull out my magic 8 ball...
Albert’s Prediction: USC Trojans by 3