Enough about the weather, let's dive right in, shall we? Our underdogs in this bout, Almere City FC, are squaring off against the favored FC Twente, a classic case of David versus, well, a considerably larger David.
In the goalie box, we see Almere carrying Nordin Bakker who sports a 7.00 rating with 12 saves. Not shabby, but don't get too excited folks - wait, I'm not supposed to use that phrase. Nevertheless, let me introduce Lars Unnerstall of FC Twente who comes in a smidgen behind with a 6.97 rating and equally impressive 12 saves!
Now, stepping up to the plate for Almere we have Hamdi Akujobi with a 7.52 rating and Ricardo Visus tad behind at 7.25. Over on the FC Twente side, we see Gustaf Lagerbielke leading the charge with a 7.80 rating while Bart Van Rooij maintains a 7.30 - formidable stats indeed!
Now, history is a decent teacher on what might come. Surveying the past matchups we see one unmistakable pattern – FC Twente holding an upper hand winning all the three games. Not much consolation for Almere fans here.
Pacing over to their regular season records, Almere's win-draw-loss ratio of 3-5-16 doesn't inspire much confidence when you compare it to FC Twente's 12-7-5. The recent results keep the scales tipped in the same direction with FC Twente holding steady with few losses compared to Almere.
Pulling my Olympic-level conclusion jumping skills, the game seems to be well poised for FC Twente to outpace Almere, but remember to expect the unexpected! Because I mean, come on, how often do I get it right?
Albert’s Prediction: FC Twente by 2