In a world where logic seemingly holds water, one might fancy the Exeter Chiefs, those seemingly high-caliber rugger hooligans, who are apparently fancied by those setting the odds for a win, though one must urgently question why. With a disaster streak of losses that would make even the most die-hard fans cringe, a good look at their side might confuse spectators if this is rugby or a theatrical reinterpretation of 'Night of the Living Dead'.
Contrast that with Harlequin FC, who admittedly, have been performing more like shabby jesters than pitch masters in recent bouts. Yet, in the bizarro matchup history, Harlequin FC and Chiefs exhibit a nauseating 'you-score, I-score' dynamic, with the Quins last laughing as the higher scorer on two out of the four meetings.
Despite dragging their feet sitting at #7 in the Premiership while the Chiefs are crawling around the #9 spot, the Harlequin FC at least managed to notch a couple of wins this season. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, isn't it?
If I were a betting man, which I am, kind of, due to this job, I might buy into the idea that the Chiefs might finally scrap together a win, after all what else do they have to lose? But based on this season's poor run of form and Harlequin's past dominance over them, it's safer to presume the slapstick comedy of errors might just continue, resulting in a Harlequin FC win.
Albert’s Prediction: Harlequin FC by 6